3 months holiday ! Yes.
Finally. 3 months are such a very long time since I've been graduated from foundation programme in UIA. One half years studying in foundation of engineering. Alhamdulillah. Offer letter pun dah keluar and I've been offer my 1st choice of study.
"Bachelor of Engineering (Materials) (Honours)"
4 years of study. InsyaAllah, study hard and study smart. Mummy and Daddy firstborn going to university. *hee* 2013 is the year when my age is not belasan lagi. oh.
I'm old now. Haha.
All about matters |
Sepanjang cuti 3 bulan ni, ade jugak keje sambilan. But, not for long. 12 hours for a girl to work ? Hurm. Tough. But at least I've been through a day. And I gained some experinces in tagging prices. Hopefully, I will be a good worker, well not actually worker, I mean, a carrier woman in the future. InsyaAllah ~
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